Full Body Cupping
A Full body cupping sessions may include a combination of some or all of the areas listed, depending on the needs of the client. These areas include cupping on the neck, chest, arms, back, glutes, side bodies, front and back of the legs, as well as hands and feet. This session is intended to relax the system, ease tension while targeting a broader surface. The amount of vacuum applied to the tissue is determined by the client through thorough communication to ensure the session is enjoyable and effective.
If you have a vacation planned, wedding, photo’s, etc, please be aware that cup “kisses” can on the skin for up to a week.
Cup “kisses” left behind are not bruises. In fact, the discoloration you are seeing is old blood that was stuck down in the tight tissue. The cups allow the release of the old blood to the surface so that new, oxygenated blood can take its place within the tissue. The lymphatic system then discards the old blood during the healing process after our session.
(This is me, on the table, receiving my first cupping session)